REACH OR MISS remarkably successful entrepreneur & influencers recommend

The surprising most highly recommended tools’ list
for customer approach, marketing & sales

For the last year, I’ve been talking each week with a different successful entrepreneur or opinion leader about customers focus, Marketing and sells.

Among other questions, I ask for their recommendation for the best tool for customer approach, marketing and sells.

While asking this question I found myself adding some explanation and telling my guest that I’m not looking for the shiny marketing tool in that endless list, I look for the tools they, as experienced and successful entrepreneurs, or influencers, use and that can help other entrepreneurs as well.

And I started to get a different answer than before. Before, most of my guests tried to remember the last new great tool everybody is talking about in order to bring our listeners the most updated answers. But today these talented people are thinking differently, and I get much more answers like LinkedIn, Facebook, text messages and the like.

If you would ask me what was the most recommended tool? I’ll make the spoiler now; it’s email marketing, but, if you want to learn what tools these successful people rely on most and why they use one tool over the others, 

Get the Free List of the most recommended tools by REACH OR MISS incredible guests.

What's Inside?

  • Want to know what Guy Kawasaki is using the most ? 
  • What John Lee Dumas think is the most important tool for entrepreneurs? 
  • And why Joe Pulizzi believe in email most?

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