Ep. 071 – Gary Loper is passionate about social justice. He started to share motivational quotes on twitter and became an influencer with 210K followers.

Gary Loper is a Twitter expert, teaching people to use Twitter in relationship marketing. He is also is a motivational speaker, life and business coach, and a highly respected entrepreneur. He has enthused and empowered individuals in all walks of life.

Gary has a strong background in marketing and sales, and his 30+ years of customer service and 15 years of direct sales ads show in more depth who he is. With his diversity in spiritual studies, relationship building, life and business coaching, marketing, customer service and sales, his background is a perfect blend to help others to be their best, in life and business.

Ep. 070 – Trevor Crane believes everyone should write a book. He helps his clients generate MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in bottom line profits.

Trevor Crane is an 11 time #1 international bestselling author and the founder of Epic Author Publishing. He is also the host of the GreatnessQuest.com podcast and co-founder of SuperKidsBooks.com.

Trevor’s mission is to help publish 1000 new authors and help people take their LIFE and their BUSINESS to the next level – no matter how successful they already are. He helps his clients generate MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in bottom line profits.

Trevor is also a sought after speaker, trainer and coach. His unique commonsense approach, along with his humor, wit, and infectious energy, allows him to connect with any audience.

Ep. 069 – Allen Gannett “the success key is a real focus on people and culture. At first it seems very cliché, very trite, but that advice is really accurate”

Allen Ganett is the founder and CEO of TrackMaven, a marketing analytics service whose clients have included Microsoft, Marriott, Saks Fifth Avenue, Home Depot, Aetna, Honda, and GE.

He has been on the “30 under 30” lists for both Inc. and Forbes.
He is a contributor for FastCompany.com and has a new book, The Creative Curve, on the disciplined pursuit of creativity, from Currency, a division of Penguin Random House.
He was also once a very pitiful runner-up on Wheel of Fortune.

Ep. 068 – Roy Sutton “Money is the way we keep score. Work is providing a service to other people in exchange for money.”

Roy Sutton is an experienced C-Level executive, board director, and former CEO with a broad knowledge base and understanding of business, as well as telecommunications and digital media.
Based in London, Roy is currently a business consultant, blogger, public speaker and entrepreneur using his skills and experience to help people make the most of their lives.
His objectives are achieved by creating digital products designed to offer people solutions to the many common problems they face.
Roy holds an MBA Degree in International Business from Cass Business School, London, and the Certified Diploma in Accounting and Finance from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). He also holds a BEng Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Liverpool and a BA Degree in Spanish & Latin American Studies from the University of London. Roy is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute. He is also a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, London.

Ep. 067 – Pascal Guyon “For me the ultimate thing is trying to find ways that make people have “Aha” moments and realize that anything is possible.”

Pascal Guyon is a multi-platinum music producer who contributed to 3 Grammy nominations. He’s also a programmer, a social media strategist, and a speaker.

3 facts about Pascal:

I am proud to have contributed to 3 Grammy nominations and to over 15 million albums sold worldwide
I have served as a mentor to 10,000’s of artists and business owners worldwide, through my video game, speaking en-gagements and education programs
I have also helped some of the most disruptive brands in transportation, cryptocurrency and food dominate social media