Ep. 091 – Brian Mawdsley best advice to entrepre-neurs: any time you’re about to reach out to a potential customer, think to yourself: how is this person hurting?

20+ years in the IT and digital space along with a flair for sales has landed me with the ability to see the technical and the big picture. This is useful as I can now help organizations make the most of the technology that exists to achieve their business goals.

I have created products and solutions for companies and for my own company with a combined revenue achieved through these solutions well over $ 10 million.

I have created, developed and launched the ‘Social Media Formula’, a blueprint methodology that embraces multiple platforms to achieve optimum success online. The SMF along with myinsider website solutions, a no fuss professional website solution for SME’ s is live and ready to help you get online the right way.

Ep. 090 – This year’s podcast guests marked the future for 2019

And the main trends in entrepreneurial marketing for the New Year

I often asked how I choose my interviewees for this podcast. I imagine the main reason for the question is the high diversity of the eighty guests on the show since its establishment on March 2017. It’s not easy to find a clear pattern among them.

Can you guess what the connection is between interviewees like: Kate Erickson, Guy Kawasaki, Pam Wasley, John Lee Dumas, Mike Stelzner, Jack Kosakowski, Andy Crestodina, Mark Schaefer, Mark Metry, Mike Allton, Chris Brogan, Pascal Guyon, David Beebe, and Lee Oden, just to name a few?

Ep. 089 – Dhariana Lozano realized how small businesses and entrepreneurs can really benefit from social media. So she left the corporate world and started to help businesses directly

Dhariana Lozano has been in the social media and digital marketing world for over 7 years. She is the co-founder of Supremacy Marketing, a boutique social media marketing firm based in New York City who manages the social media presence of clients like Chef Jordan Andino, Flip Sigi and more.

Her experience ranges in creating social media strategies and consulting for both B2C and B2B brands to help them stand out and break through digital walls for ongoing success. She blogs at DhariLo.com where she provides social media tips, resources and courses. You can see her work published in Social Media Week, Social Media Today, and the AgoraPulse blog.

Ep. 088 – Matt Sweetwood’s key success factor “I never quit. You quit when you win.”

Matt Sweetwood is a thought leadership and personal branding ex-pert and was the CEO of a social network. With over 30 years of en-trepreneurial experience, he has been credited with the reinvention of the modern camera store, as well as the country’s largest in-store photography education program.

However, his greatest achievement is having raised five successful children to adulthood as a single dad. He is a life and business coach and is a regular contributor on national TV and to several publications.

He has a bestselling self-help book, “Leader of the Pack: How a single dad of five led his kids, his business and himself from disas-ter to success.

Ep. 087 – The biggest risks of entrepreneurship. From failing to the lowest places of bankruptcy, a loss or a tragedy to reaching the highest levels of entrepreneurial success

On the one hand, entrepreneurship looks like the ultimate dream; countless posts offer tips and tricks to leave the 9-5 job behind and find your freedom or be your own boss. On the other hand, most people prefer to keep the entrepreneurial journey as a desirable dream.

Establishing and managing your own brand new business is incredibly challenging, especially because it involves taking high level risks.

On my interviews with more than seventy successful entrepreneurs and opinion leaders for the REACH OR MISS podcast, successes and failures both get a meaningful share of each show. Every entrepreneur experiences both.

Yet, a few of my guests tumble down to rock bottom – and then, they discovered their strength and the path to success.

I would like to share with you four of the most amazing stories I’ve heard over the last year and a half since starting my podcast.