Ep. 146 – Jonathan Slain a financial expert, had to borrow a quarter of a million from his mother-in-law. Today he owns the site RECESSION.COM

Jonathan Slain’s book, “Rock the Recession: How Successful Leaders Prepare For, Thrive During, and Create Wealth After Downturns” came out in September 2019 and is a #1 Amazon Best Seller. Jonathan coaches high growth leadership teams across the United States to implement the Entrepreneurial Operating System® also known as “Traction.” He focuses on working with…

Ep. 144 – Russell Dalgleish best advice to entrepreneurs “never assume that you understand why someone buys your product”

Serial Scottish Entrepreneur and Investor, Strategist and Innovator Russell has enjoyed the benefits of a highly successful international career in the technology sector and now focuses his efforts on supporting owners and boards of companies to devise and implement growth strategies to create shareholder value. In his earlier career he has held board leadership positions…

Ep. 142 – Jeremy Goldman – You can’t get your whole satisfaction from getting to the top – the satisfaction needs to be the whole journey

Futurist Jeremy Goldman has been working with companies looking to take their operations online and inject “social” into their processes for over a decade. Under Jeremy’s leadership, companies like Kiehl’s, TEMPTU or the luxury division he helped Unilever to found, have had tremendous success and won the highest Awards and publications’ mentions. Jeremy earned his…