Nirmal Purja makes history by climbing all 14 peaks above 8,000 meters in 190 days

Nirmal Purja makes history by climbing all 14 peaks above 8,000 meters in 190 days

Nirmal Purja makes history by climbing all 14 peaks above 8,000 meters in 190 days. October 30th, 2019 (Asia News Network).
Entrepreneurship & climbing mountains (2nd part):
3 stories by 3 very successful entrepreneurs
that you would love to read
Many successful entrepreneurs climb mountains, while others use mountains as a metaphor to describe what is necessary to conquer the peak – including the fatiguing yet rewarding journey to the top. Still, other entrepreneurs use mountains as an analogy for a significant goal they wish to achieve – such as becoming a billion-dollar-market-cap company. (See Paul Baterby’s mountain story.)
At some point after the launch of my Reach-or-Miss podcast for entrepreneurs, I started to ask the successful entrepreneurs I interviewed about their habits or dreams of climbing one of the highest mountains in the world.
Here are 3 amazing stories by three amazing entrepreneurs that look at mountains from three totally different angles:
The first will inspire you, the second will make you cry, and the third will encourage you to look for “your mountain.”

Dwayne J. Clark – From growing up poor to employs more than 3k staff members that served over 60k residents. Dwayne believes that good always trumps evil.
- I’m not a mountain climber. I did set my treadmill to a 12% grade this morning, if that counts. But I do have a mountain climber story. I have a good friend, named Fred, and he’s a CEO of one of the largest latex glove companies in the world, very successful company. 10 years ago, he said to me, “I’m going to become a mountain climber.” When your friends say things like that, you often shrug them off, right? The following week, I see him walking 10 miles with a 100 pound pack on his back, and he told me he was practicing to climb a mountain; one of the highest peaks in the world. Over the course of the last 10 years, he’s climbed 6 of the 7 peaks, and been to Everest basecamp. And he took his 12 year old son with him to the Everest basecamp. He also climbed Kilimanjaro with his son. He’s trying to install this stellar attitude about pushing through pain.

Dorothéa Bozicolona-Volpe is a strategic digital marketing executive who is fluent in 4 languages and specializes in developing business through digital, influencer and social media marketing.
I grew up around mountains in Italy in an area called Abruzzo, which, if you are familiar with the books of Ernest Hemmingway, it’s mentioned in the book, For Whom The Bell Tolls.
- So, my relationship with mountains is somewhat romantic, but also when you think in a literal sense, I’ve had my fair share of them in my personal live. First, the first mountain was losing George. And that was the Mt. Kilimanjaro.
- And then, 4 years ago, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. That was a big mountain as well because as an entrepreneur, it was very difficult for me to take that kind of time away from my business. I couldn’t square that; really understand that I had to do this because if I didn’t, I may not survive. In each instance, I think the thing that got me through was the thing that I love the most and that is work. My work is the stick I use to climb my mountains.
- Something I want to say to all entrepreneurs when it comes to mountains or obstacles, don’t give up. Never give up. Anything is possible. I’m the perfect example of somebody who came from a completely different industry and had this idea, had this someone beside me that was willing to give me the courage to do it. Don’t give up; that’s the most important thing.

Mount Abruzzo, Italy

Paul Bratby: “one in 10000 tech startups are in profit in the first year. We are profitable in our first year.”
Paul is the founder of Trade The Fifth, an Elliott Wave program designed to educate traders and investors on the financial markets so they can take responsibility for their own portfolios and trading accounts by learning how to ride the profitable Fifth Wave setup.
- I used to climb a lot of mountains in the UK really to a thing called the Three Peaks. I was in the army. We used to go to three of the biggest peaks in the UK, and it was a competition. Oh, so I did that from an early age. I probably wouldn’t be able to do that right now because, you know, they’re quite tough. So, you know, as a young person, I liked those challenges. So we used to say in the army, look down, and it’s not uphill. Just keep looking at your feet, putting one foot in front of the other, and you’ll get to the top.
- Now, from a metaphorical point of view, what I really love right now is to watch our customers turn from part-time trainers that work a full-time job, but get up early in the morning, two or three hours before they go to work and they train.
- So, going from a hobby to trading full time for a living that’s one of the biggest mountains that I’d like to watch our customers climbing. And that’s massive for me because I’ve climbed the mountain. I live a great life now, but I’m actually helping other people do it. And for me, that is amazing because I felt that pain and I climbed to the top, and now I help others to get it.
- Success stories. Almost every week we help our customers climb the mountains. And it is so much more rewarding.
- I try as much as I can to interact with our customers because I want them all to achieve their dream.
I hope you enjoyed this 2nd part of my ‘Mountains’ episodes.
Now you can choose whether and what you would like to do next as a reaction to this episode.
As I said on my last 'mountain episode' on my podcast, now you have 4 options;
First, you can, of course, do nothing that has to do with this show, go to do whatever you want or planned, or just switch to the next podcast.
Second, you can enjoy the stories, be inspired, and take the courage and massive strength needed to take your entrepreneurship to a much higher level than you did in the last few months.
Third, you can choose one or more of the inspiring successful interviewees, their stories you love best, to connect, ask questions, find what else you can learn from them (they all have plenty of free very professional content on their sites) or even find out if they can be your mentor if they give that service.
And last, but not least, you can download my free guide for the 7 elements of Entrepreneurial Business Success that will help you make the best plan for the coming months that can help you reach your wishes and goals in the 1st half of 2020. You can find it here: FREE GUIDE: The 7 elements that will help any entrepreneur and business owner